Mil News Mirror 'to reveal sources' names'


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
Executives at the Mirror newspaper are to reveal the names of the soldiers who gave them the faked Iraqi torture pictures, it is reported.
Trinity Mirror is to cooperate fully with the Ministry of Defence inquiry, according to the Sunday Telegraph.

The Mirror apologised for publishing the hoax pictures on Saturday following the sacking of editor Piers Morgan.

The paper has said it will give its profits from the sale of the photos - estimated to be £50,000 - to charity.

The money is set to be split between an Armed Forces charity and the International Red Cross.

The newspaper said it would "not be right" to profit from the sale of the pictures.

But Sir Nicholas Young, chief executive of the British Red Cross, told GMTV he had some doubts as to whether it was appropriate for the organisation to take the money.

The Telegraph said Trinity Mirror executives will reveal the identity of its sources for the story to the Royal Military Police (RMP).

A senior executive said: "When we say we will fully co-operate with the MoD, we mean exactly that.

"While we are committed as journalists to protecting our sources, that does not extend to people who have acted fraudulently in pursuit of money."

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon told BBC's Breakfast With Frost programme that the RMP had already interviewed one of the Mirror's sources, Soldier C.

But he said: "There was nothing new in what he had to tell us."

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Yep string em up, and if they publish the photos of them they will be posted here under the heading. Cowardly bastards risk lives of comrades for a few quid. W****rs. :evil: