Photos Military Art


Artist: Anthony Cowland

The Yakovlev Yak-3 was a single-engine, single-seat World War II Soviet fighter. Robust and easy to maintain, it was much liked by both pilots and ground crew. One of the smallest and lightest combat fighters fielded by any combatant during the war, its high power-to-weight ratio gave it excellent performance and it proved to be a formidable dogfighter.

Artist: Danijel Frka

Artist Andy Thomas, titled. John Coulter and the Crows.


In 1808, John Colter was traveling with 800 Crow and Flathead men when they were attacked by a much larger group of Blackfeet. Colter's group managed to repel the attackers.
The following year, the Blackfeet captured Colter and he managed a thrilling escape that has become famously known as "Colter's Run".
Colter is often credited as "The First Mountain Man" for his role as a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition and his explorations of the Jackson Hole / Yellowstone regions.
'Castles of Steel' by Alma Claude Burton Cull signed and dated 1928.
Watercolour, 14 x 24 inches


From Maritime Originals website;-
"Painted here emerging from patchy visibility is the 3rd Battle Squadron, with HMS IRON DUKE (Captain F M Austin RN) in the van wearing the flag of Rear Admiral P H Hall-Thompson CB CMG, Rear Admiral Commanding 3rd Battle Squadron Atlantic Fleet. In line astern are HMS EMPEROR OF INDIA (Captain W F Sells CMG RN), HMS MARLBOROUGH (Captain F C Fisher RN) and HMS BENBOW (Captain S F B Carpenter VC RN). This was almost a final glimpse of these handsome ships for within a few months the squadron would disband with the paying off of IRON DUKE on 30th May for a special refit; and although not forecast at the time, the remaining ships of the 3rd BS would have followed the flagship and within a year paid off too. For them, however, it was to have been their final commissions and none, with the exception of IRON DUKE, would ever to go to sea again. Pressures, both domestic and international, were starting to tell: at home, the Treasury was again pushing the armed services for financial savings and abroad in Washington, a Naval Conference was looming and Great Britain was required to reduce her capital ship force by fifteen hulls. IRON DUKE was saved by being converted into a Gunnery and Boys’ Training ship, although her main armament was savagely reduced to gain her exemption from the Treaty limitations. Her sisters was not so fortunate.
IRON DUKE who had re-commissioned at Portsmouth on 30th June 1926 was undoubtedly the best known of the class, having been Grand Fleet flagship of Admiral Sir John Jellicoe for the first 2 years of the Great War. Thus she had been at the centre of events during the great sea battle off the Jutland coast in May 1916 and she had been involved in many other actions, skirmishes and alarms during those anxious and frustrating years when the Royal Navy was attempting to bring the High Seas Fleet to a decisive action. It was of her and her numerous consorts that the First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr Churchill, famously said as the Fleet sailed to its war stations in July 1914 ” We may now picture this great fleet, with its flotillas and cruisers steaming slowly out of Portland harbour, squadron by squadron, scores of gigantic castles of steel wending their way across the misty, shining sea, like giants bowed in anxious thought. We may picture them again as darkness fell, eighteen miles of warships running at high speed and in absolute blackness through the narrow Straights, bearing with them into the broad waters of the North Sea the safeguard of our considerable affairs�.”
A Devonport ship, EMPEROR OF INDIA had re-commissioned for what was to be the last time on the last day of December 1927; 3 years later she was to be towed out of Plymouth for breaking up; it must have been a heartbreaking time for those interested in their navy as she and her doomed sisters were barely 15 years old.
MARLBOROUGH had been the flagship of Vice Admiral Sir Cecil Burney, Vice Admiral commanding 2nd BS and although torpedoed at Jutland and suffering significant damage had remained in the line until the action had appeared to fizzle out during the night when she was ordered home to Rosyth for docking and repairs. MARLBOROUGH was also scrapped in 1931.
Captain Carpenter of BENBOW had won his VC amongst a hail of lead on VINDICTIVE’s bridge at the storming of Zeebrugge in April 1918. His ship, BENBOW, was laid up in 1930 for 18 months before following her sisters to the breakers: and so within three years of this painting only one of these four beautiful ships was still in service.
Alma Burlton Cull is generally ranked second only to W L Wyllie as a marine artist of the early 20th century although his death at the early age of 51 robbed us of many more fine paintings, a loss exacerbated by the bombing in 1940 of Cull’s old studio in which many of his pictures were being stored. Fortunately at some stage the National Maritime Museum acquired some 70 watercolours and a canvas or two of his and so they at least were safe. He painted on canvas and paper and was commissioned, amongst others, by King Edward VII. Cull brings a technical accuracy to his paintings allied to his undoubted skill with colours, skies, seas and atmosphere."
Fragment of The Battle of Champigny , panorama by Alphonse de Neuville and Édouard Detaille (both veterans of the battle). Oil on canvas 120 meters long and 15 high. It represents a phase of the Battle of Champigny (November 29–December 3 1870) — the German attack of December 2 and the recapture by the French of lost positions — also called the Battle of Villiers, during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870

The bottom of the pouch , fragment of The Battle of Champigny , where the work of Édouard Detaille and Alphonse de Neuville come together .

Offensive return , fragment of the panorama

The lime kiln (detail). Fragment of The Battle of Champigny , panorama by Alphonse de Neuville and Édouard Detaille.



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Buffalo Gap, Virginia, 1862
Artwork by John Paul Strain


The dogwoods were beginning to blossom on the lower levels of the Shenandoah Valley when Stonewall Jackson struck. "Old Jack," as his troops called him, had been issued formidable orders: block any Federal advance into the Valley and stop the Yankees from shifting reinforcements eastward against Richmond. With steel-like determination, Jackson unleashed a spring campaign that was unlike any other.
He struck first at Kernstown, was turned back, then reappeared at McDowell and overwhelmed the enemy there. With Federal forces stung and puzzled, Jackson led his fast-marching "foot cavalry" through Virginia's Buffalo Gap, then turned northward to make a surprise strike. Moving with startling speed, he defeated the Federal Garrison at Front Royal, repulsed the principal Northern army at Winchester, fell back before a much larger enemy army, then turned and whipped the Federals again at Cross Keys and Fort Republic. Observed a captured Northern soldier as Jackson passed: "Boys, he's not much for looks, but if we'd had him we wouldn't be caught in this trap." Federal forces were stunned, mystified and distracted.
With 17,000 troops, General Jackson had baffled and defeated enemy forces totaling more than 64,000. Northern plans were thwarted, the life of the Confederacy was extended, and the great "Stonewall" was celebrated as a military genius. For Southerners, Jackson's spectacular campaign produced a springtime of hope.

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