Photos Military Art

1917 Lloyd C.V - Stan Hajek

1917 04 L'asso ferrarese by Russell Smith


L'Asso Ferrarese features the Italian Ace Michele Allasia. Allasia was born in Ferrara, Italy, and served with 80 Squadriglia and Sezione. He claimed 6 victories, 5 of which were confirmed, but sadly he lost his life in a flying accident in July of 1918. The piece is simply meant to be an aircraft portrait, but the 3 enemy aircraft in the background are based on a combat in which Allasia described taking on 3 Austrians.The fuselage of Allasia’s Nieuport 11 was marked carried the image of Fortunello, a cartoon character poplar during that period. Each aircraft on his unit, 80 Squadriglia, carried a variation of the figure.
"Red Square" by Chris Collingwood, 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, Waterloo

"About 4pm... We saw large masses of cavalry advance... The word of command, "Prepare to receive cavalry"... a wall bristling with steel." Captain Rees Howell Gronow, Foot Guards

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