Falkland War Heroes


Mi Sergeant Major
MI.Net Member
Apr 12, 2005
Falkland War Hero: Pte Stephen Illingsworth, DSM - Nominated for the VC his citation for the DSM reads: 24579367 Private Stephen ILLINGSWORTH, The Parachute R...egiment.

In the early hours of 28th May 1982, the 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment launched an attack on enemy positions in the area of the Darwin and Goose Green settlements on the Island of East Falkland. The enemy were thought to be entrenched in battalion strength. In the event, their numbers were far greater and fierce fighting ensued all day. Private Illingsworth was a member of 5 Platoon, which was the depth platoon in B Company's advance. At one point the advance came under heavy and accurate enemy fire, and OC B Company attacked the enemy position with his leading platoons, leaving 5 Platoon to provide covering fire. Dawn was growing stronger and it became clear that 5 Platoon was in fact exposed on a long forward slope without protection and very vulnerable to increasingly heavy enemy machine gun and rifle fire. Its position became untenable and it was ordered to withdraw back over the crest. It was during this manoeuvre that one of their number was hit in the back.

Private Illingsworth, who had already reached comparative safety himself, immediately rushed forward in full view and fire of the enemy, accompanied by another soldier, to help their wounded comrade. In an effort to locate the wound they removed his weapon and webbing equipment, and having administered First Aid, dragged the soldier back over the crest line, despite a hail of enemy fire which miraculously missed them. Once in a position of safety, Private Illingsworth continued to tend the injured man's wounds.

The fire fight continued intensively, and 5 Platoon began to run short of ammunition. Remembering that he had left the webbing equipment with ammunition in it, lying on the exposed forward slope, Private Illingsworth decided to go forward alone to collect it. Disregarding the enemy fire, which was still extremely heavy he broke cover and advanced once again down the forward slope. As he did so he was killed. In these two acts of supreme courage Private Illingsworth showed a complete disregard for his own safety, and a total dedication to others. Whilst his action in coming to the help of a wounded soldier may have been almost instinctive on seeing the plight of a comrade, his move forward to collect much need ammunition for his beleagured platoon was a display of coolly-calculated courage and heroism of the very highest order.
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pte illingsworth.webp
Here is the man himself

Read more about Para Heroes
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Many thanks Airborne a man with true courage i would just like to say that my brother in law took part in the
battle of Goose Green Cliff Sullivan is his name one of the lucky ones to have survived.
Many thanks Airborne a man with true courage i would just like to say that my brother in law took part in the
battle of Goose Green Cliff Sullivan is his name one of the lucky ones to have survived.

Big respect for your brother-in-law mate (Y)

Thanks for the link mate.

No worries buddy (Y)
Hello Airborne
My brother got killed on mount longdon with 3 para b company 4 platoon we are in the process in getting
his citation honoured any chance of your support and any other 2 para lads he was call cpl Stewart peter frank Mclaughlin youtube him we are marching down on downing street on the 3 of july again
Hello Airborne
My brother got killed on mount longdon with 3 para b company 4 platoon we are in the process in getting
his citation honoured any chance of your support and any other 2 para lads he was call cpl Stewart peter frank Mclaughlin youtube him we are marching down on downing street on the 3 of july again

Firstly welcome to MI.Net sigmac376
Your brother was a brave man and deserves proper recognition for his actions
Is the petion still up and running?, if so will you post the link.

I was never a Para but my dad was, he was also 3 Para in the 50's

Please when you can tell us more about Stewart and maybe post some pics

Untrique Paratus

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cheers bombardier just waiting on young stewart to sort it. i have a few pic's but i haven't the means to get them put on the pc. there the one's of him in palace barracks. the is great book to read called 3 days in june by a bloke who served in 3 para called jimmy o connoll.its a top book. bombardier can you rally people to support us any regiments or services and civvies is welcome im no techno savvy yet any support you can give us bombardier will be much apreciated then we will be ready for anythink
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Am I missing something here?
Just found this

Medal 'victory' for forgotten Falklands hero as government U-turn paves the way for paratrooper to receive top gallantry award
  • Stewart McLaughlin, 27, was killed during the Battle of Mount Longdon
  • And after the battle, his commanding officer put him forward for a medal
  • But he was denied a bravery award after the handwritten citation was lost
  • Now, he is in line to receive a top gallantry award after a U-turn by the PM

A paratrooper who was killed in the Falklands is in line to receive a top gallantry medal after his case was highlighted by The Mail on Sunday, sparking a remarkable U-turn by the Prime Minister.
Corporal Stewart McLaughlin, 27, who was killed leading British soldiers during the Battle of Mount Longdon in June 1982, was denied a bravery award after commanders lost his handwritten citation.
The recommendation was written just hours after Cpl McLaughlin’s death on the mountain overlooking the capital Port Stanley where British Paras took key enemy positions.
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Ahhh, should have done a bit more digging on the interweb.
I assume the Government did the usual and completely reneged

THE FIGHT GOES ON and ON ... THE FIGHT GOES ON and ON ... THE FIGHT GOES ON and ON, The date of the march is: Friday 3rd July 2015.
Following the government's flawed investigation in to the circumstances surrounding my father's citation for gallantry, and their refusal to engage in any meaningful discussion of evidence we have presented to them, my family is determined to continue our campaign and to demonstrate the support we have amongst the members of this group, serving and former members of the Armed Forces and many thousands of civilians who feel that my father's case is exceptional and is deserving of further review by the government.
The members of this group and all other supporters of the campaign are invited to join members of the McLaughlin family on a second march to Downing Street to hand in further documents and evidence of the support we have for this campaign, including names we intend to gather via a second petition.
The date of the march is: Friday 3rd July 2015. Full details of timings and meeting locations will be posted nearer the date, Bob Craft has arrange for the Brentwood Imperial youth band to play on the day of the March

http://www.parachuteregiment-hsf.org/Cpl McLaughlin.html
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You should by now see a website notice at the top of every page declaring MilitaryImages.Net support for you brother Stewart.
I have placed a link in the notice to the information page.
I have tried to sign the e petition but they are closed.

After conversing with you last night and subsequently thinking about this since, my blood has been boiling over it. My first thought was that if Stewart had been a rupert (officer) there would have been no question of a VC being awarded. Please feel free to post as much information about this cause on the thread as you like.

I have to say also that I am very proud of his son "Young Stewart" starting this fight and having the resolve to continue it. I only hope that with the obvious support he receives from family, friends and websites such as http://www.parachuteregiment-hsf.org and www.militaryimages.net that his resolve is strengthened in someway.

As I said before I was never a para (I was Artillery 12 years) but my late dad was 3 Para in the 1950's, aside from that I have always had tremendous respect and pride for the Parachute regiment.

Utrinque Paratus
Hello Airborne
My brother got killed on mount longdon with 3 para b company 4 platoon we are in the process in getting
his citation honoured any chance of your support and any other 2 para lads he was call cpl Stewart peter frank Mclaughlin youtube him we are marching down on downing street on the 3 of july again

I am sorry for your families loss sigmac376
I am chuffed that your family is pursuing this as strongly as you are because it is important.
Politicians sit in their ivory towers sending our brave spartans to war and then when the family of that warrior need their support they turn their miserable backs on them. The site rules prevent me from using words I would have prefered to type. (not a criticism Bomber)

I love what the admin have done with the notice at the top of the pages, that should defo get you some publicity, around the world too.

God bless you all and R.I.P Corporal, you will never be forgotten

The Battle of Mount Longdon

The Battle of Mount Longdon was an engagement of the Falklands War between British and Argentine forces, which took place on 11–12 June 1982, resulting in the British victory and their occupation of a key position around the besieged Argentine garrison.
The British force consisted of Third Battalion, the Parachute Regiment (3 PARA) under Lieutenant Colonel Hew Pike with artillery support from six 105 mm light guns of 29 Commando Regiment, Royal Artillery;Second Battalion, the Parachute Regiment (2 PARA) were in reserve. Naval gunfire support was provided by HMS Avenger's 4.5-in gun.
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Stewart peter frank Mclaughlin - Final resting place
Rest in eternal peace mate.
Our Government let you down but your people will not

Utrinque Paratus


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A true British hero
i wish you all the luck with your fight against a government that clearly does not care, even when presented with the evidence
Rip brave lad
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Great video, imagine if all Uk's paras and ex paras descended on downing street?, they would **** themselves.
Feckless Bastards they are!
Great video, imagine if all Uk's paras and ex paras descended on downing street?, they would **** themselves.
Feckless Bastards they are!

This is true and the sad truth is the Government's of this country treat our soldiers and emergency services like second class citizens. When the wheel comes off they will regret the cuts they make, but then it will be too late. Hopefully they will see the error of their decisions before the situation is unrecoverable.

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