Movie / TV Band of Brothers- Pacific


Corporal - USMC
MI.Net Member
Feb 22, 2006
Like most of you, I believe that the original movie series, Band of Brothers, by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks in 2001, is far and away one of the most accurate and realistic cinematic portrayals ever made about war. The book, by Stephen E. Ambrose, was even better than this well made movie and when taken together, the book and movie are a moving memorial to not only the men of Easy Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne but also the sacrifice and bravery of all Allied troops fighting the Nazis in World War II.
It has recently come to my attention that these same two producer-directors, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks are beginning production soon on another story that needs to be told. It will be called, "Band of Brothers, Pacific" and will recall the battles in the Pacific against the Japanese in WW II. It will be filmed mostly in Australia and will once again use relatively unknown actors to portray the main characters. I believe the stories will be built around three different Marines/soldiers who fought on various islands throughout the war. I do know that one of them will be John Basilone, USMC. John Basilone was the first Marine in WW II to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. He was awarded it for his heroic actions on October 24-25, 1942 on Guadalcanal. He turned down a promotion to 2nd Lieutenant and could have remained safely in America, on tours, selling war bonds. Instead, he insisted on returning to the front lines and so he joined the 5th Marine Division, which became part of the landing force on Iwo Jima on February 19, 1945. Barely two hours after landing, Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone was leading his machine-gun squad forward when a direct hit from a Jap mortar killed him and four other Marines. John Basilone was awarded the Navy Cross, the 2nd highest Marine award for valor and was the only Marine in WW II to be the recipient of both the MOH and Navy Cross.
I'm sure the other main characters in this new endeavor from Spielberg & Hanks will be just as deserving and courageous and I look forward to viewing and owning this future tribute to the many unknown heroes of the war in the Pacific.
Semper Fi
solthum Good heads ups we'll be waiting, Thanks.
Yep looking forward to this one (Y)
Thanks mate
Look forward to it, especially as BOB set such a high standard of authenticity.
Looks like a must see..........
I worked on 'The Pacific' and the scenes in real time were breathtaking, i have alot of good memories

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