Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) Duncan Strachan, 48 (right), Commanding Officer of a Night Operations Advisory Team (NOAT), at Cho Gao in South Vietnam's Delta region, has an after parade drink of Coca Cola with Bombardier (Bdr) Ron Miller, 19, who is with a Mobile Advisory Training Team (MATT) in Phuoc Tuy Province and is enjoying a drink of Victoria Bitter (VB) beer. Both are members of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) and are the youngest and oldest in AATTV at the current time. Behind the right shoulder of Bdr Miller is 439150 Captain Leonard (Len) Murray Opie. The men have just attended a ceremony where the AATTV were awarded the United States Army Meritorious Unit Commendation by United States Army General, Creighton W Abrams, Commander US Military Assistance Command Vietnam (COMUSMACV). Each member of the AATTV are entitled to wear the small scarlet ribbon with gold metal frame above their AATTV patch, near the shoulder. WO2 Strachan also served in the Second World War and the Korean War.
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