year 2003

  1. RAAF F-111

    RAAF F-111

  2. Challenger 2

    Challenger 2

    BRITISH Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank under repair.
  3. Masi truck

    Masi truck

    Finnish Defence Forces - Peacekeeping - Masi truck, Kosovo 2002.
  4. Pist 2003

    Pist 2003

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - PIST 2003.
  5. F-16A


    Line Up of 3 RNor AF F-16`s 655,662 and 688 Leeuwarden 2003
  6. NP 2003 09

    NP 2003 09

    Norwegian CV-90 infantry fighting vehicle in Turku harbour. 7.9.2003 The Finnish Defence Forces / Sebastian Nurmi Photo from:
  7. NP 2003 08

    NP 2003 08

    Norwegian Bell 412 SP helicopter. Skyl 10.9.2003 The Finnish Defence Forces / Miikka Tarkia Photo from:
  8. NP 2003 07

    NP 2003 07

    8.8.2003. Norwegian Bell 412 SP helicopters landing The Finnish Defence Forces / Jani Avelin Photo from:
  9. NP 2003 06

    NP 2003 06

    Mine accident and clearance. Norwegian mine cleaner at work. Skyl 15.9.2003. The Finnish Defense Forces / Juha Vhkoski Photo from:
  10. NP 2003 05

    NP 2003 05

    Swedish Sisu XA-203 on display. 13.9.2003. Svenska Frsvarsmakten / Eva Nilsson Photo from:
  11. NP 2003 03

    NP 2003 03

    Leopard 2A4 at Skyl. 12.9.2003. The Finnish Defence Forces / Sebiastian Nurmi Photo from:
  12. NP 2003 02

    NP 2003 02

    Norwegian soldiers at helicopter training. Skyl 11.9.2003 Norwegian Army High Readiness Force / Stine W. Skjaeret Photo from:
  13. NP 2003 01

    NP 2003 01

    Tom strem, Kimmo Stenberg, Erik Grytnes, Riku Ranhala and Antti Mkinen discuss the differences between the Norwegian and Finnish weapons. Skyl 9.9.2003. Norwegian Army High Readiness Force / Stine W. Skjaeret Photo from:
  14. Milan In Action

    Milan In Action

    What do you think Eagledriver?
  15. Destroyed Abrams

    Destroyed Abrams

    A scuttled M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT) rests in front of a Fedayeen camp just outside of Jaman Al Juburi, Iraq during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Location: IRAQ (IRQ) Date Shot: 06 APR 2003Camera Operator: GYSGT ERIK S. HANSEN, USMC Photo and description from: Defense Visual Information...
  16. F/A-18  Hornet

    F/A-18 Hornet

    An F/A 18 Hornet assigned to the "Marauders" of Strike Fighter Squadron Eight Two (VFA-82) patrols airspace near the North Arabian Sea in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Nov. 14, 2003. VFA-82 is deployed with Carrier Air Wing One (CVW-1) aboard USS Enterprise (CVN 65) in the...