year 1940

  1. Gebicki Jan

    Gebicki Jan

    Pilot The plane he was in had returned for a raid on Boulogne, it stalled and dived into the ground killing all the crew Buried at Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  2. Egierski Tadeusz

    Egierski Tadeusz

    Sergeant, Wireless Operator, Air Gunner The plane he was in had returned for a raid on Boulogne, it stalled and dived into the ground killing all the crew Buried at Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  3. motorcycles


  4. Jeeps


  5. France 1940 Command Group

    France 1940 Command Group

    I purchased a PzKpfw.I Ausf.B and a Panzerbefehelswagen I on ebay. Judging by the packaging, both kits were made in the late 70's - early 80's. The figures are a mix of Dragon and Alpine built with only minor modifications.
  6. German armour

    German armour

  7. British Trucks

    British Trucks

    bren truck
  8. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    Invasion barges being loaded with supplies
  9. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    German troops rehearsing in a French harbour
  10. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    German personnel testing a Panzer III modified for moving underwater
  11. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    A landing ship on a beach near Calais
  12. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    German troops assigned to the invasion force rehearse unloading a half-track with AA gun
  13. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    A barge being converted for use by the invasion forces
  14. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    A barge being converted into a landing ship
  15. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    Invasion barges being massed in Dunkirk harbour
  16. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    A makeshift road block in Northumberland, doubtless causing more disruption to locals than it would to any invading army
  17. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    A Home Guard detachment ambush a regular army vehicle at a road junction. Note the sandbagged emplacement to the right of the car.
  18. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    A Home Guard parade, complete with uniforms and equipment
  19. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    Mass producing Molotov cocktails for the Home Guard, August 1940
  20. Operation Sea-lion

    Operation Sea-lion

    Barbed wire keeps two little girls from making sandcastles on the beach.