
  1. British A Class Submarines

    British A Class Submarines

    Which Navy and what is the type?
  2. American Submarine SS-38 S1 class

    American Submarine SS-38 S1 class

    S1 class submarine built at Union Iron Works (San Francisco, California, U.S.A.) Decommissioned 14 December 1944. Stricken 20 January 1945. Sunk as a target off San Diego, California 20 February 1945.
  3. American Subs WWII

    American Subs WWII

  4. American Subs WWII

    American Subs WWII

  5. American Subs WWII

    American Subs WWII

  6. Ex SS-22 Submarine

    Ex SS-22 Submarine

  7. war Movies (Posters)

    war Movies (Posters)

  8. Sunrise/Sunset


  9. Indian Navy - submarine Shalki

    Indian Navy - submarine Shalki

    INS Shalki (S46) is a Shishumar-class diesel-electric submarine of the Indian Navy and was the first submarine to be built by India.


    1982 LINFLEXIBLE. Added as an afterthought to the five-strong Le Redoutable class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines developed independently in the 1960s, LInflexible is sufficiently different from her sisters to be considered as the leader of a new sub-class. AN INDEPENDENT...
  11. SAPHIR French Submarien

    SAPHIR French Submarien

    1981 SAPHIR The smallest of their type in the world, the Rubis-class boats were Frances first nuclear-powered attack submarines, appearing almost two decades after Britains prototype Valiant class. THE SOUS-MAPJNS NUCLEATRES DATTAQUE (SNAS) Rubis (formerly Provence), the class leader, was...
  12. USS Saratoga Aircraft Carrier.

    USS Saratoga Aircraft Carrier.

    1955 USS SARATOGA. A conventionally-powered air craft carrier of the Forrestal class, USS Saratoga (CVA 60) embodied all the lessons learned during the Pacific war. Like her three sister-ships, she was to have a career which spanned almost four decades. THE FORRESTAL CLASS The class leader...
  13. USS Phoenix Submarine

    USS Phoenix Submarine

    1979 USS PHOENIX. The Los Angeles class of nuclear- I powered attack submarines became the US Navys standard type - and that by which others were judged - in the 1 970s, when the threat from Soviet ballistic missile submarines was at its height. UP TO SPEED In the earlier classes of...
  14. USS Hammerhead Submarine

    USS Hammerhead Submarine

  15. USS Haddo Submarine

    USS Haddo Submarine

  16. U-boat


  17. U114 Submarine in heavy seas

    U114 Submarine in heavy seas

  18. INS Sindhugosh (S 55) and INS Sindhuvaj (S 56)

    INS Sindhugosh (S 55) and INS Sindhuvaj (S 56)

    Indian Navy - Kilo class submarines INS Sindhugosh (S 55) and INS Sindhuvaj (S 56)
  19. U.S.S. Growler SSG-577

    U.S.S. Growler SSG-577

    U.S.S. GROWLER was a pioneer when she departed on her first Nuclear Deterrent Patrol in 1960. Armed with 'Regulus' nuclear cruise missiles, she helped usher in a new era of strategic defense. She was one of the predecessors which led to the deployment of a large fleet of sophisticated submarines...
  20. Victoria Class Submarine

    Victoria Class Submarine
