self propelled gun

  1. Abbot 105mm Self Propelled Gun

    Abbot 105mm Self Propelled Gun

  2. FV433 Abbot SPG

    FV433 Abbot SPG

  3. M44 self propelled howitzer

    M44 self propelled howitzer

    An M44 at Ft. Carson on static display.
  4. M44 self propelled howitzer

    M44 self propelled howitzer

    An M44 at Ft. Carson on static display.
  5. modern


  6. M109A6's and an M992

    M109A6's and an M992

    M109A6 of the of the 1st CAV at FOB Warrior Kirkuk Iraq Feburary 2009
  7. M109A6 and an M992 FAASV at FOB Warrior

    M109A6 and an M992 FAASV at FOB Warrior

    M109A6 of the of the 1st CAV at FOB Warrior Kirkuk Iraq Feburary 2009.
  8. M109A6 at Kirkuk FOB Warrior

    M109A6 at Kirkuk FOB Warrior

    M109A6 of the of the 1st CAV at FOB Warrior Kirkuk Iraq Feburary 2009. This M109A6 is being prepared for calibration firing. The photo was taken on 6 Feb 2009. Fire mission was on 13 Feb.
  9. M109A6 Firing

    M109A6 Firing

    M109A6 of the of the 1st CAV at FOB Warrior Kirkuk Iraq Feburary 2009. The gun is being fired for calibration on Feb 13th 2009. Photo courtesy of the US Army.
  10. 15cm sIG33 auf Panzerkampfwagen IB Bison

    15cm sIG33 auf Panzerkampfwagen IB Bison

  11. British AS90 Artillery

    British AS90 Artillery

    The AS-90 - Gun Equipment 155 mm L131
  12. Italian vehicles

    Italian vehicles

  13. Italian vehicles

    Italian vehicles

  14. clipart


  15. US Army M40 'Big Shot' 155mm SPG

    US Army M40 'Big Shot' 155mm SPG

    From above
  16. 15cm sIG33 Bison

    15cm sIG33 Bison

    15 cm siG33 (Sf) auf PzKpfw I Ausf B
  17. 15cm sIG33 Bison

    15cm sIG33 Bison

  18. USMC 155MM  M109 SP Vietnam 1970

    USMC 155MM M109 SP Vietnam 1970

    This is a photo of an M109A, 155mm Self Propelled SP Howitzer, at the ready postion. It was called the "Widow Maker" by its Gun Commander Cpl. T.J.Trahan USMC. Located in the An Hoa Fire Base in Vietnam in 1970.
  19. Big gun in Korea

    Big gun in Korea

    United States Marine Corp.8inch self propelled M110 hidden in a dug out waiting for the enemy.
  20. M109 in Vietnam

    M109 in Vietnam

    I dont know what Regiment or Battery this gun belongs to but i think its a great shot.