russian air force

  1. Flight tactical exercise -  Kursk region Western MD

    Flight tactical exercise - Kursk region Western MD

  2. Flight tactical exercise -  Kursk region Western MD

    Flight tactical exercise - Kursk region Western MD

  3. Flight tactical exercise -  Kursk region Western MD

    Flight tactical exercise - Kursk region Western MD

  4. Ricjam33

    Video Su-27 Vks Intercepted B-1b And B-52 Bombers Usaf Over Baltic Sea

  5. pampa14

    The Soviet Giant

    I share with you some pictures of the impressive K-7 aircraft designed in the Soviet Union in the interwar period as heavy bomber but did not go into production. Visit the link below, see the collection of pictures and leave there your opinion or comment: Do you think the K-7 would succeed in...
  6. Su-25 Payload

    Su-25 Payload

  7. Bombardier

    Photos Russian military

    Following photos courtesy of and are governed by Creative Commons licence Photos show 'Day of the Navy' I love that last photo, the old sailor looks really pleased to be sat next to his president ;)
  8. Typhoon on Patrol

    Typhoon on Patrol

    An RAF Typhoon from Number XI Squadron shadowing a Russian Bear-H aircraft over the North Atlantic Ocean on 17 August 2007 (c) MoD (RAF)
  9. Matzos

    Photos Russian Spitfires

    Here are some drawings of Russian Spits I'm researching the Units at this present time, will post any information I un-cover.