princess patricia's canadian light infantry

  1. William COURTNEY (2)

    William COURTNEY (2)

  2. William COURTNEY (1)

    William COURTNEY (1)

  3. 27434602


  4. Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry

    Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry

  5. William Moses KEDEY

    William Moses KEDEY

  6. Walter GRIFFITHS

    Walter GRIFFITHS

    GRIFFITHS, Walter. Not able to find the correct record listed with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. He is/was, commemorated on a Poppy Cross on the W.W.1 War Memorial in the Garden of Remembrance, near the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford on Avon There is a Walter Leslie Griffiths/Griffith...
  7. 6370


  8. McMAHON, Edward Gordon

    McMAHON, Edward Gordon

    Private 475407, Edward Gordon McMAHON, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Eastern Ontario Regiment died 29th January 1919 aged 33. He was the son of William Campbell McMahon of 983, Doncaster Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada., his occupation was given as Journalist. He is at rest in St...
  9. William LARGE

    William LARGE

  10. George Frederick LARGE

    George Frederick LARGE

  11. soldiers


  12. Martin, Alick Gregory. M.C.

    Martin, Alick Gregory. M.C.

  13. modern


  14. Canadian Forces soldier

    Canadian Forces soldier

    A Canadian Forces soldier from A Company, 1 Platoon, 1st Battalion, Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI) patrols the perimeter within the Zjarey district, west of Kandahar. 8 July 2006