polish army

  1. BMP-1


  2. 9K33M2 OSA-AK (SA-8 GECKO)

    9K33M2 OSA-AK (SA-8 GECKO)

    Russian 9K33M2 OSA-AK (SA-8 GECKO) in Polish service. I have permission to use this pictures. This picture is from this web http://www.serwis-militarny.net Author Grzegorz Prasal.
  3. GROM assaulting ship (training)

    GROM assaulting ship (training)

  4. ZSU-57


    ZSU-57 in Polish Service
  5. PT-91 Tank

    PT-91 Tank

    A colour photo of a Polish PT-91 tank dug into a defensive trench position
  6. MT-LB


    MTLB Exercis Soldier from Tadeusz Kosciuszko Land Forces Military Academy Author: Serg. Cadet Marek Stan photo from: http://www.wso.wroc.pl
  7. My father

    My father

    My Father and his buddy. His servis in unit JW1914 from "Nadwislanskie Jednostki Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnetrznych". My father is left up.
  8. Polish Truck

    Polish Truck

    Polish Truck Star 660. This was standard Polish military truck. Some are still useing