
  1. Pz Kpfw VI Ausf B - Tiger II

    Pz Kpfw VI Ausf B - Tiger II

    This tank was photographed in the Normandy area, it is a production model with the Porsche Turret and exhaust system designed for submersion. although only the Turret is visible.
  2. PanzerKampfwagen IV

    PanzerKampfwagen IV

    PanzerKampfwagen IV Ausf H (Sd Kfz 161/2) Also known as 9 Serie BW. This is a Medium Tank built by Krupp Gruson,Vomag and Nibelungenwerke
  3. PzKfw I

    PzKfw I

    Panzer I I have edited this pic slightly because there was a lot of junk around it which spoilt the picture
  4. PZKFW IV Ausf H

    PZKFW IV Ausf H

    PanzerKampfwagen IV Ausf H (Sd Kfz 161/2) Also known as 9 Serie BW. This is a Medium Tank built by Krupp Gruson,Vomag and Nibelungenwerke
  5. PzKpfw IV Ausf. J

    PzKpfw IV Ausf. J

    War of Lapland. Finnish Army PzKpfw IV Ausf. J in Oulu in the beginning of October 1944
  6. PzKpfw IV Ausf. J

    PzKpfw IV Ausf. J

    War of Lapland. Finnish Army PzKpfw IV Ausf. J in Oulu in the beginning of October 1944.
  7. pz_kpfw_4j


    Tiger 114 Banska Bystrica 26-03-2003
  8. Pz.Kpfw I on Parade

    Pz.Kpfw I on Parade

    Pz.Kpfw I (Panzer 1) German Pz.Kpfw I (Panzer 1)tanks on parade during Reichsparteitag Erntedankfest. Nov 9, 1935.