nottinghamshire general cemetery

  1. Meadows Joshua

    Meadows Joshua Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  2. McGreavey James

    McGreavey James Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  3. McAlonan Frederick

    McAlonan Frederick Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  4. Kirk George

    Kirk George

    Died 25th October 1868 aged 79 he was for a number of years in the 45th of Foot, Nottinghamshire Regiment and was engaged in active service under the Duke of Wellington in the Peninsular War at the following places, Toulouse, Orthes, Nive, Neville, Pyrenies, Victoria, Salamanca and Badojoz...
  5. Albert MARSHALL

    Albert MARSHALL

  6. Maltby Thomas

    Maltby Thomas Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  7. Limon Louis Alexander M

    Limon Louis Alexander M Died aged 38 Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  8. Lee Maurice

    Lee Maurice

    This memorial is a double. For some reason there are two memorials for the same soldier. One at the grave and this new one placed on the Bright plot. I can find no connection with the Bright's. The CWGC have been informed and I am awaiting for a reply. Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery...
  9. Lee Maurice

    Lee Maurice

  10. Lawton George Henry

    Lawton George Henry

    Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  11. Lakin Frederick Henry

    Lakin Frederick Henry Please note, the headstone has F H and army number 895 not as stated above. The CWGC has been informed Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  12. George Henry KILBOURNE

    George Henry KILBOURNE

  13. Kerrigan Patrick

    Kerrigan Patrick Died aged 46 Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  14. Kemp Harry Wilson

    Kemp Harry Wilson Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
  15. Keetley Wallace

    Keetley Wallace Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottingham
  16. Jones George

    Jones George Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottingham
  17. Johnson Frank

    Johnson Frank Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottingham
  18. Jeffs Percy

    Jeffs Percy Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottingham
  19. Jackson Walter James

    Jackson Walter James Buried at Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottingham
  20. John HUTTON

    John HUTTON
