
  1. Bombardier

    Audio What are you listening to?

    My sincere apologies to all who posted here but due to a very silly mistake I have inadvertently deleted the thread o_O Its early and I should know better and double check what I am doing. Thank fully it was not one of our more serious threads. In over 15 years the site has been running this is...
  2. AAR Galileo

    Video Artillery song - The Screw Guns

  3. AAR Galileo

    Audio To explore the music Galaxy

    Just enter an artist/group name and find the others with the same kind of music. I found some jewels over the time using this site.
  4. colin traveller

    Audio Movie Soundtracks ??

    Does anyone collect Movie , TV Sndtracks ?? Battle of Britain , Wild Geese , Guns of Navarone , Zulu [ 2 versions ] . River Kwai , Band of Brothers , Midway , Waterloo , Patton , Killing fields , Das Boot [ Audio 6 CD ] , The Dirty Dozen , Good Morning Vietnam . Full Metal Jacket ...