military badge

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    IDF 274 (691) Brigade emblem
  2. 2743871492077.jpg


  3. flypaper

    Photos Russian Federation Cossack Patches

    The Russian Cossack Troops have been steadily enlarged over the last few years. Many military historians claim that most have just tagged the "COSSACK" label onto then selves and are not true decedents of the steppes Cossack...... this being especially true of the new Russian Cossack's
  4. flypaper

    Photos Russian Federation Metal Parachutist insignia

    on the 98th and 36th Guards badges the different insignia may also be awarded to how many jumps were made rather than rank.
  5. RL64RL

    Article USAF ICBM Patches (Link)

    I'm a big fan of flight suit patches . . . here's a great link for USAF ICBM patches. Enjoy. RL
  6. flypaper

    Photos Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs Internal Troops Badges & Combat Awards

    A Few pages of MIA Internal Troops (not Army) Awards and badges...These represent the time era of 1990/2000. Listed are some awards for combat action in Chechnya.
  7. flypaper

    Photos US Army Patches from IOF/OEF most local made.

    a sample of some US Army ground units IOF/ OEF patches
  8. French Foreign Legion Army Parachute Beret Badge

    French Foreign Legion Army Parachute Beret Badge

  9. British Cambridgeshire Regiment Cap Badge

    British Cambridgeshire Regiment Cap Badge

  10. British 3rd The Kings Own Hussars Cap Badge

    British 3rd The Kings Own Hussars Cap Badge

  11. British Kings 15th Hussars Cap Badge

    British Kings 15th Hussars Cap Badge

  12. British 106th Regiment of foot Glengarry

    British 106th Regiment of foot Glengarry

  13. British 103rd Regiment of Foot Cap Badge

    British 103rd Regiment of Foot Cap Badge

  14. 5th Pioneer Battalion Quebec

    5th Pioneer Battalion Quebec

    Canadian expeditionary Force WW1
  15. 4th Pioneer Battalion Ottawa

    4th Pioneer Battalion Ottawa

    Canadian expeditionary Force WW1
  16. 3rd Pioneer Battalion Victoria BC

    3rd Pioneer Battalion Victoria BC

    Canadian expeditionary Force WW1
  17. 2nd Pioneers Guelph

    2nd Pioneers Guelph

    Canadian expeditionary Force WW1
  18. British VIII Corps (8th Corps) Formation Patch

    British VIII Corps (8th Corps) Formation Patch

    The first pattern of badge, a black Francolin partridge on white, was used by 8th Corps District when it covered Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. This second pattern of badge, incorporating the traditional Corps colours of red and white, was adopted in February 1943 when Corps HQ moved to Scotch...
  19. Gloucestershire Regiment 61st Of Foot Insignia

    Gloucestershire Regiment 61st Of Foot Insignia

  20. Royal Berkshire Regiment Cap Badge

    Royal Berkshire Regiment Cap Badge
