
  1. Borjak Erich

    Borjak Erich

    Buried at the Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Stafford (New) Cemetery, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  2. Scholz Walter

    Scholz Walter

    Buried at the Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Stafford (New) Cemetery, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  3. Myklyn Wasyl

    Myklyn Wasyl

    Died in 1947 in Staffordshire aged 25 Buried at the Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Stafford (New) Cemetery, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  4. Grubert Erich

    Grubert Erich

    Buried at the Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Stafford (New) Cemetery, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  5. Lein Albert

    Lein Albert

    Buried at the Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Stafford (New) Cemetery, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  6. Pahler Christoph

    Pahler Christoph

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  7. Benthin Dietrich

    Benthin Dietrich

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  8. List Willy

    List Willy

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  9. Loebnitz Karl

    Loebnitz Karl

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  10. Deck Jacob

    Deck Jacob

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  11. Schutz Johann

    Schutz Johann

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  12. Lock Walter

    Lock Walter

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  13. Koster Heinz

    Koster Heinz

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  14. Kranzusch Herbert

    Kranzusch Herbert

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  15. Czarnetzki Paul Alfred

    Czarnetzki Paul Alfred

    Buried at Stafford (New) Cemetery, Commonwealth War Graves Plot, Eccleshall Road, Stafford, Staffordshire
  16. WTS_Koblenz339


    Rear view of WW 2 German tank hunter Hetzer
  17. soldiers


  18. Zundapp KS750 Motorcycle

    Zundapp KS750 Motorcycle

  19. german tanks

    german tanks

  20. German King Tiger Tank

    German King Tiger Tank

    Bulldozed off the road