
  1. 122mm field gun

    122mm field gun

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - 122mm field gun
  2. 77 Field Bty

    77 Field Bty

    Officers of 77 Field Bty formed on the 1,10,1794 as Capt, J Hardings Coy 5 Bn R.A. Picture taken in South Africa in 1886.
  3. Gunners Field Artillery

    Gunners Field Artillery

    12 Pounder gun in action. 1895
  4. 152 H 88-37

    152 H 88-37

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - 152mm field gun 152 H 88-37
  5. 152 H 88-40

    152 H 88-40

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - 152mm field gun 152 H 88-40
  6. 155 K 83

    155 K 83

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - 155mm field gun 155 K 83
  7. 75 K 97

    75 K 97

    This gun of French origin was the first really modern field gun, with the first successful hydraulic recoil system. 12 of the 48 guns bought came fast enough to be used by Finnish Army in Winter War