falklands war

  1. Two Sea Harriers return from a mission

    Two Sea Harriers return from a mission

  2. Two Argentine conscripts pose with a 7.62mm MAG

    Two Argentine conscripts pose with a 7.62mm MAG

  3. Troops and supplies land at San Carlos

    Troops and supplies land at San Carlos

  4. Falklands War

    Falklands War

  5. Three cold Argentine officers

    Three cold Argentine officers

    Falklands War, Three cold Argentine officers pose in front of a 4-wheel drive Mercedes
  6. Argentine Marine Infantry soldiers being searched

    Argentine Marine Infantry soldiers being searched

    Falklands War, Three Argentine Marine Infantry soldiers being searched at San Carlos on 30 May by Intelligence Section HQ3 Commando Brigade
  7. The Royal Marines Yomp or the Paras Tab

    The Royal Marines Yomp or the Paras Tab

  8. The Lynx helicopter and Sea Skua

    The Lynx helicopter and Sea Skua

    Falklands War, The Lynx helicopter and Sea Skua sea-skimming ASM on the flight deck of HMS Hermes
  9. Argentine armour left behind

    Argentine armour left behind

  10. Stanley after the battles

    Stanley after the battles

  11. Port Stanley

    Port Stanley

  12. Port Stanley

    Port Stanley

  13. Port Stanley

    Port Stanley

  14. Argentine prisoners taken at Goose Green

    Argentine prisoners taken at Goose Green

    Falklands War, Some of the 1200-odd Argentine prisoners taken at Goose Green are marched off to the 'cage', 29 May
  15. RFA Sir Tristram

    RFA Sir Tristram

  16. Sidewinder AIM-L missiles

    Sidewinder AIM-L missiles

  17. HMS Sheffield

    HMS Sheffield

  18. HMS Sheffield

    HMS Sheffield

  19. HMS Sheffield

    HMS Sheffield

  20. Sea King HAS.5 being readied for flight

    Sea King HAS.5 being readied for flight

    Falklands War, Sea King HAS.5 being readied for flight aboard HMS Hermes