
  1. ao_sepia

    Other Post tell the difference between the same type of weapons

    tell the difference between the same type of weapons such as AR-15,M-16A1,M16-A2,M-4,FAL,FN Browning HP,M1911,AK-47,AK74,PPK,etc becuse some very can't tell its difference.
  2. ao_sepia

    civilian weapons

    SA-85M: A semi-automatic-only version intended for civilian sales in the United States; imported by Kassnar in both pre- and post-ban versions,some K.B.I. imported. Kassnar version https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_1159433 K.B.I. version AK-63D (AMMS...
  3. G1 FAL

    G1 FAL

    Temporarily issued to the Bundeswher prior to the H&K G3