of 117 Sherwood Street. Died at Black's Factory, Huskinson Street, Nottingham
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
Aged 12 months; of 14 Freeth Street, Meadow Lane. Daughter of John James and Elizabeth Woolley. At 14 Freeth Street.
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 14 Freeth Street, Meadow Lane. Son of Samuel Woolley of 3 Lilac Street; husband of Elizabeth Woolley. Died at 14 Freeth Street, Nottingham
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 14 Freeth Street, Meadow Lane. Daughter of John James and Elizabeth Woolley. Injured at 14 Freeth Street; died same day at City Hospital, Nottingham
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 14 Freeth Street, Meadow Lane. Son of John James and Elizabeth Woolley. Died at 14 Freeth Street, Nottingham
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 14 Freeth Street, Meadow Lane. Daughter of Mrs. Hinch, of 12 Hardy Terrace; wife of John James Woolley. Died at 14 Freeth Street, Nottingham
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 35 Burrows Street. Husband of Anne Maria Parr. Died at 35 Burrows Street, Nottingham
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 35 Burrows Street, Carlton Road. Wife of Henry Parr. Died at 35 Burrows Street, Nottingham
Civilian war death
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 8 Charnwood Terrace, Ryeland Crescent. Wife of Albert Edward Robinson. Died at Charnwood Crescent.
Civilian War dead
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 8 Charnwood Terrace, Ryeland Crescent. Son of Albert Edward Robinson, and of Harriet Hannah Robinson. Died at Charnwood Terrace.
Civilian War dead
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 24 Ryeland Crescent, Charnwood Terrace. Wife of Alfred Raven. Died at Charnwood Terrace.
Civilian War dead
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 24 Ryeland Crescent, Charnwood Terrace. Husband of Jane Raven. Died at Charnwood Terrace.
Civilian War dead
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
of 4 Lewis Terrace, Lewis Street. Daughter of Mrs. Raffell wife of Charles Frederick Miller and mother to Charles and Alma who all died at Lewis Street Nottingham
Civilian War dead
Buried in Nottingham Southern Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
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