The Hitler Youth was a logical extension of Hitler's belief that the future of Nazi Germany was its children. The Hitler Youth was seen as being as important to a child as school was. In the early years of the Nazi government, Hitler had made it clear as to what he expected German children to be...
Held annually in September from the early 1920s until 1938, the Nazi Party's Nuremberg Party Day rallies were intended to show the world a German State in lockstep with its leader and his ideology. The Nuremberg Party Day rallies thus represented an example of the "mobilization" of...
BORN April 20, 1889, in Braunau, Austria
1919 Helps form the Nazi Party in war-weakened Germany
1923 Leads an abortive putsch in Munich beer hall
1924 Starts writing Mein Kampf in prison
1933 Becomes dictator of Germany, prepares the nation for war and a "Final Solution" to the...
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