Royal Marines on stand-by in X-Turret aboard HMS Sheffield in 1941. Marine Stanley Stephenson at rear of picture reading newsletter.
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This photo of our Dad was taken either just before or just after the famous action which sank the Bismarck, in which the Sheffield shadowed the pocket battleship so closely that she was at one stage attacked by our own planes from H.M.S. Ark Royal.
It can (or could) be seen in the display cabinet on H.M.S. Belfast, and in the entrance display of the Imperial War Museum.
Our family still have an original copy of a printed document called "An eyewitness account of the sinking of the Bismarck".
This photo was included in Ronald Bassett's history of the Sheffield, "The life and times of 'Old Shiny'", and various other publications about the 2nd. World War.
Hi derrick thanks for your picture, I am sorry it did not get on the old site.
as you can see it is a very popular photo and has resided in our 'most popular' section on the home page since the launch of our new site.
I am sure that with the addition of this very interesting information, it will remain popular for some time.
Thanks again solthum
Further to my previous comment, it may interest you to know that I owe the fact that I exist to the consequence of H.M.S Sheffield hitting a German mine while outward bound from England in the North Sea in 1942, and returning to Newcastle for repairs.
As a result of the damage caused, my Dad was given leave and subsequently married my Mam, and I was born in Feb 1943, the only thing I can be grateful to Hitler for!!!!!!
Our family have loads of photos and memorabilia from WW2, but a lot of it is stamped 'Official photograph. Not for publication'. How do we stand?
My brothers and I have lots of pictures and lots of stories from WW2, but we don't want to cause problems for you. Can you tell us the situation? We don't want to monopolise your site, but we are just so proud of our Dad and his Shipmates who defended our way of life, that we want to share with those interested, the things which he left to us.
An amazing story derrick, fate really stepped in well there didn't it.
I would like to set your mind at ease with regards to you "monopolising this site" , please feel free to do so, the images that you are in possession of will be of great interest to us all. As far as the "Official Photo not for publication" stands I would imagine that it would be fine for you/us to publish them given the age they are but I have emailed for advice from Crown Copyright I will get back to you.
thanks again
Derrick i refered your question re "Official Photograph,not for publication" first to crown copyright who directed me towards the National Archives, national archives have now responded with "copyright has expired,go ahead and use them." If you would like confirmation I can forward the emails sent and received to you. But in any case you are allowed to use them. All the best, webmaster :)
Thank you Webmaster, I'll pass on your comments to my brother Geoff who is looking after all our photos.
We have WW2 photos taken in Naval action, showing near misses on our ships, enemy aircraft being or shot down, survivors being rescued after their vessels have been sunk (usually enemy), and lots of stories told to us by our Dad (unverifiable at present I'm afraid) which we would like to continue posting on the Marine section if this is O.K., as they are very personal to us and our Dad's service in the Royal Marines.
Incidentally, Stanley was not a WW2 H.O., he was a regular, joining in 1937 as a boy entrant (his first 2 years of service did not therefore count)and receiving a medical discharge in 1947 after undergoing a mastoid operation on his ear.
No problem. we are all looking forward to seeing the images you describe above and hearing the stories of your father. All the best. ps it might be more prudent to post the stories on the discussion board in the relevant section.
Hi Geoff
my dads at back reading book. He was Frank Mustow.
Your photos are great I have quite a few myself of ships crew and in action
Dave Mustow

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Royal Marines
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Geoff Stephenson
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