
Reginald Arthur BUCKLAND

Extended Description
Private Ch/115S Reginald Arthur BUCKLAND
Chatham Battalion, Royal Navy Division
Royal Marine Light Infantry, killed on active service
22nd June 1915 aged 19.He was the son of Edward and
Elizabeth of Bridge Street, Clay Cross. He is commemorated on
the Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent
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Commemorated on a family memorial in Clay Cross Cemetery, Derbyshire

Private Ch/115/S Reginald Arthur BUCKLAND. Royal Marine Light Infantry, Chatham Battalion, Royal Navy Division. Formerly Private Notts and Derby Regiment.
Born 18 February 1896 to Edward and Elizabeth of Bridge Street, Clay Cross. 1901 with his parents and siblings at Office Row, Clay Cross. 1911 with his parents and siblings at Bridge Street, Clay Cross, occupation, foundry labourer.
Enlisted into the army 26 August 1914 transferred to Royal Marine Light Infantry 16 September 1914. He was posted to the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force 6 February 1915 later in action received a slight bullet wound to his scalp. The 16 June 1915 he received gunshot wound to his back whilst in action. He was treated and died of his wounds on Hospital Ship Devanha the next day aged 19, later buried at sea. His mother was informed of his death. He is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent
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COMMEMORATION to the fallen in both world wars
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