Charles Ernest Estcourt (Bill) COPPEN-GARDNER


Charles Ernest Estcourt (Bill) COPPEN-GARDNER

Extended Description
Lieutenant Colonel 434557 Bill COPPEN-GARDNER, M.C. Gloucestershire Regiment. (Bwana Koppagada) Charles William Estcourt Coppen-Gardner, always known as Bill, was born on June 15 1935 in Gloucester. Died in 2002
Military Cross, London Gazette dated 19 July 1955.

London Gazette dated 15 July 1955.#Tuesday 19 July 1955
The War Office, 19th July, 1955.
The QUEEN has been graciously pleased! to
approve the following (awards in recognition of
gallant and distinguished! services in Kenya during
the period 2ilst October, 1954, to 20th April, 1955:—
The Military Cross.
Second Lieutenant Charles William Estcourt COPPEN-GARDNER (4'34557), The Gloucestershire Regiment

Supplement to the London Gazette 18 May 1956.
Short Serv. Commn. 2nd Lt. (Actg. Lt.) Charles William Estcourt
COPPEN-GARDNER, M.C. (434557), from T.A., Nat. Serv. List. Glosters, to be 2nd Lt., 16th Apr. 1956, with seniority 19th July 1954.

Military Cross recommendation as seen on National Archives.

COPPEN-GARDNER Gloucestershire Regiment. Commanding Officer 2nd (K) Battalion Kings African Rifles.

Place. Karatia Central Province, Kenya.

This National Service Officer has operated consistently against the terrorists displaying the greatest determination, bravery and skill since 09 May 1954. His cheerfulness and leadership has resulted in many successful contacts often under the most arduous conditions, accounting for several terriorists personally.
On the 05 February 1955 on information of a raid on KAGID village he, with three Askaris, tracked the gang through that night and most of the following day over extremely rough and broken country. He made contact in a well concealed and defended hide to which there was no approach through a tunnel. Under fire from a precision weapon, he led his men into the hide. The gang had disappeared leaving all articles stolen from KAGID and numerous blood stains.
On the 12 February 1955 he received information of the theft of twenty cattle from KAGID. He tracked the gang in a most determined manner over approximately nine miles of reserve and then some seven miles of forest, over most difficult country. He brought his patrol to successful contact, killing two terrorists, recovering two precision rifles, twenty-eight rounds of ammunition and all the cattle.
Through he complete disregard of adverse conditions, his boldness and extremely skilful handling of his Askaris, he has inflicted heavy casualties on the terrorists. He has constantly displayed the highest qualities as an Officer and has been an inspiration to all with whom he comes in contact.
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Updated 25/09/2022

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V.C and other awards to service personnel who have died in conflict or natural causes.
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