Albert Lewis STEWART D.S.O. Major 22nd Coy, Machine Gun Corps. Formerly Lieutenant Royal Irish Rifles. International rugby union player.
Born 19 February 1889 at 28 University Street, Belfast to James (Solicitor) and Isabell Stewart, nee McDowell.
Resided 1901 with his parents and siblings at Eglantine Avenue, Belfast. Around the time of his death his widowed mother was residing at 101 Wellesley Avenue, Belfast.
Killed in action on 4 October 1917 during the Battle of Broodseinde near Ypres, Belgium. He had been fighting in Glencorse Wood and was trying to seize ground from the Germans when he was killed aged 28. His mother was granted a war gratuity 4 March 1918.
On 1 January 1918, he was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) "for distinguished service in the field.
Commemorated on a family headstone in the Old Priory Churchyard Holywood, County Down, Northern Ireland.
At rest in Hooge Crater Cemetery, Belgium.
Will calendars. National Archives, Ireland. 1858-1922
Probate of the Will of Albert Lewis Stewart late of 43 Eglantine Avenue, Belfast. Major who died on date stated granted at Dublin to Isabella Stewart, widow. Effects £286. 9s 6d.