Politics 4 year old girl recovered alive in Western Australia


Mi Major General
MI.Net Member
Jul 10, 2016
Great work by law enforcement there!

Aside from the obvious mention of what punishment this piece of feces deserves, I do have a question what treatment he can expect in prison.

Generally speaking, pedophiles and scum victimizing children here can expect severe beatings and possible death in prison. Is there an anti-pedo ethic in Australian prisons?

He has self harmed a couple of times. I doubt he'll ever see another inmate.
Maybe, but I did see this (yes, DailyMail ... ):

Or maybe he just hit his head on a car door, repeatedly.

*Fingers crossed*
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Happy ending is a good thing.

Will he get the « very hot water » bath tub treatment in an Aussie prison though?
By the way @NebrHogger convicted Pedos or sex offenders have no privilege that I know of in Europe, beside being put in different wings of prison for evident reasons.

Fortunately, from time to time and while most of Europe beside Belarus doesn’t apply the death penalty anymore there’s some small victory like this story:

Unfortunately others like Belgian Marc Dutroux are still alive despite having been offered to get a « free shave » by jihadist inmates.
By the way @NebrHogger convicted Pedos or sex offenders have no privilege that I know of in Europe, beside being put in different wings of prison for evident reasons.

Fortunately, from time to time and while most of Europe beside Belarus doesn’t apply the death penalty anymore there’s some small victory like this story:

Unfortunately others like Belgian Marc Dutroux are still alive despite having been offered to get a « free shave » by jihadist inmates.
and all ours from Rotherham are now walking the streets again even though some of them have deportation orders which the government are too scared to carry out

One of the news channels was interviewing someone live who had been trafficked and abused - whilst underage and her chief perp walked by as bold as brass in the background

Thankfully the child in Australia was found alive and returned to her family
Not to veer off topic too much but I’m sick and tired of those deportation orders that are almost never carried out especially if it’s some thug like the Algerian who attempted to kill French cops today in Cannes. He asked for permanent residency and was denied so now if he survive I suppose he’s a resident. ?

Basically the French (and British if you say so) are scared to send them back to whatever country they are from.

It’s a lost battle at this point. And we’re blackmailed, your govt or mine to be sent more if we ever begin to take stronger measures or threaten to drop any criminals from these countries on their soil without a parachute.

Germany is in the same boat. It could even be worst.
Maybe, but I did see this (yes, DailyMail ... ):

Or maybe he just hit his head on a car door, repeatedly.

*Fingers crossed*

I see the link is dead, pure fantasy on the inmates account I imagine.

That last issue can be remedied with a minimum amount of effort.

Australia and WA in particular, has an indigenous deaths in custody issue. They're over represented in custody, which inflates the numbers, they're over represented in health stats, so they're more likely to die early anyway, they're over represented in drug and alcohol stats etc etc. Perfect storm for inflated deaths in custody stats, then add in a few too many ill treatment deaths and you've got a media/activist issue.
In a high profile case like this WA police and corrections would be making very sure that as little harm as possible comes to old mate.
Despite a couple of trips to hospital, he looked quite healthy the next day or the day after when he was flown down to Perth.
I see the link is dead, pure fantasy on the inmates account I imagine.

Australia and WA in particular, has an indigenous deaths in custody issue. They're over represented in custody, which inflates the numbers, they're over represented in health stats, so they're more likely to die early anyway, they're over represented in drug and alcohol stats etc etc. Perfect storm for inflated deaths in custody stats, then add in a few too many ill treatment deaths and you've got a media/activist issue.
In a high profile case like this WA police and corrections would be making very sure that as little harm as possible comes to old mate.
Despite a couple of trips to hospital, he looked quite healthy the next day or the day after when he was flown down to Perth.
The official statement was that he hurt himself whatever that means.

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