Crime War graves damaged by mindless idiots

need to be lashed within an inch of their life- and then chuck some salt on and do it again - scum

the problem is the parents and what they are taught in school - bring back Grammar Schools and National Service
Such stupidity isn’t unheard of here either. Mostly Christian cemeteries desecrated, very rarely a military or Jewish ones but they make big headlines... and most of the times it’s brain dead drunken kids behind it.
Such stupidity isn’t unheard of here either. Mostly Christian cemeteries desecrated, very rarely a military or Jewish ones but they make big headlines... and most of the times it’s brain dead drunken kids behind it.

They ll smash anything up Jake . Playgrounds are a popular one . Amount of parks I've been to with apparatus vandalized and glass all over , especially in sand pits . Miserable wretches the lot of em .
They ll smash anything up Jake . Playgrounds are a popular one . Amount of parks I've been to with apparatus vandalized and glass all over , especially in sand pits . Miserable wretches the lot of em .

Indeed. I mean I’ve been young and did stupid S**t as well but never ever desecrating cemeteries has been in my mind...
Brainless and Cowardly. Recently some brass plaques were ripped off a Cantebury memorial to be sold for scrap. That low life element need genetic editing

On the positive side commemotarive ANZAC day here has bigger crowds every year.
If their makes can't provide proper parenting, than the state should ....