Don't know if it's the right place to post, if not Mods feel free to move it elsewhere. So being a collector I guess I'd post some of the bits I own and owned in the past. Also never mind the airsoft AEG in the pics, I was in airsoft a lot back then
I'll begin with my Nam gear (sadly I don't have it anymore... )

A more modern one (sold this one in favor of other rarer things)
I got this IBA right from a Marines in 2004

Some of my British militaria

I must add that I never alter any kit to make it look like the real deal, everything pictured there came in this state.
Feel free to ask any questions!
*Edit: I had to delete quite a lot of pics, but I<ll repost these later*
I'll begin with my Nam gear (sadly I don't have it anymore... )

A more modern one (sold this one in favor of other rarer things)
I got this IBA right from a Marines in 2004

Some of my British militaria

I must add that I never alter any kit to make it look like the real deal, everything pictured there came in this state.
Feel free to ask any questions!
*Edit: I had to delete quite a lot of pics, but I<ll repost these later*
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