panzer iv - pzkpfw iv

  1. 274387149361193663.jpg


  2. 274387149361193664.jpg


  3. 274387149361193662.jpg


  4. 3rdKharkov1.jpg


    Panzer IV in Kharkov, March 1943.
  5. WW2 scenes III

    WW2 scenes III

    Panzer IV interior
  6. WW2 scenes III

    WW2 scenes III

    Major repairs are underway. Germans excelled are returning damaged equipment to service
  7. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Ostketten tracks for better traction in snow
  8. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    German bridge layer on Panzer IV chassis
  9. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Panzer IV taking on fuel
  10. Industrial aspect of WW2

    Industrial aspect of WW2

    Panzer IV testing
  11. Il-2 Sturmovik

    Il-2 Sturmovik

    Panzer IV destroyed by Sturmoviks
  12. Il-2 Sturmovik

    Il-2 Sturmovik

    Pz IV killed by rockets and bombs.
  13. WW2 German images

    WW2 German images

  14. 0000.m33PanzerIVMud.jpg


    Panzer IV and mud
  15. WW2 German images

    WW2 German images

    Panzer IV and mud
  16. WW2 German images

    WW2 German images

    Armored column somewhere in the Eastern Front
  17. WW2 German images

    WW2 German images

    Panzer IV
  18. WW2 equipment used postwar

    WW2 equipment used postwar

    Panzer IV in Syrian service
  19. Panzer IV, Tunisia 1943

    Panzer IV, Tunisia 1943

  20. Destroyed Kubelwagen and Panzer IV Ausf. J

    Destroyed Kubelwagen and Panzer IV Ausf. J
