operation telic

  1. Bombardier

    Photos Op Telic 4 - Iraq 2004

    These are photos provided to me (Mi.Net) by a pal of mine who served the the UK medical Group in Iraq 2004 (Operation Telic 4) Photos CC licence Attribution-ShareAlike To learn more, visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
  2. Bombardier

    Photos British Royal Marines Photos

    A thread dedicated to the British Royal Marines. 'Per Mare Per Terram' A subject close to mine and my family's heart The following pictures relate to the Royal MArines serving as part of Operation Telic The photos here are from the early years of the Operation circa 2003-2004
  3. Royal Highland Fusiliers Operation Telic Iraq

    Royal Highland Fusiliers Operation Telic Iraq

  4. Iraq, Afghan.

    Iraq, Afghan.

  5. OP Telic 2 - The Kings and Cheshire Regiment

    OP Telic 2 - The Kings and Cheshire Regiment

  6. OP Telic 2 - The Kings and Cheshire Regiment

    OP Telic 2 - The Kings and Cheshire Regiment



  8. Challenger 2, Operation 'Telic', by Oliver Cook

    Challenger 2, Operation 'Telic', by Oliver Cook

  9. Combat Engineering Tractor, Operation 'Telic', by Oliver Cook

    Combat Engineering Tractor, Operation 'Telic', by Oliver Cook

  10. Chinook


    A Chinook leaving the British Field Hospital in Basra Iraq. Op Telic 4
  11. T-55


    An Iraqi T-55, knocked out during the British offensive of Op telic
  12. Op Telic

    Op Telic

    The 1st Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Wales, relieved the Queen's Lancashire Regiment in Basrah in early November. A Welsh soldier is seen on patrol, complete with Remembrance poppy
  13. Fleet Air Arm Sea Kings begin flying the Royal Marines ashore

    Fleet Air Arm Sea Kings begin flying the Royal Marines ashore

  14. HMS Sandown at work clearing a channel into the port of Az Zubayr

    HMS Sandown at work clearing a channel into the port of Az Zubayr

  15. Styx anti-ship

    Styx anti-ship

    A member of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers guards a Styx anti-ship missile found in the Maqal area of Basrah
  16. Op Telic

    Op Telic

    Royal Marines on patrol in a rigid inflatable boat on the Shatt al Arab waterway south of Basrah
  17. A pair of Royal Signals dispatch riders at full tilt

    A pair of Royal Signals dispatch riders at full tilt

  18. Op Telic Mortar

    Op Telic Mortar

    A mortar position of 1st Battalion The Parachute Regiment on the outskirts of Basrah
  19. Op Telic Sniper

    Op Telic Sniper

    An Irish Guards sniper provides cover during an assault to clear regime forces from a complex at Basrah
  20. AS-90


    An AS-90 of 3 RHA engages targets near Basrah