military christmas

  1. Bombardier

    Admin Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2024

    To all our members, moderators and guest viewers Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you all. Thank you for your continued support throughout 2024
  2. Mil Cartoon

    Mil Cartoon

  3. Bombardier

    Video Military Christmas Video 1915

  4. Soldiers in desert Christmas 1942

    Soldiers in desert Christmas 1942

  5. Merry Christmas From Canada Ww1

    Merry Christmas From Canada Ww1

  6. Bombardier

    Photos Christmas Military Photos

    Just thought I would send some military Christmas joy out to you all. If you would like to add your own please feel free. The following photos are available for reuse under the OGL (Open Government License) . Army Commando Santa Claus handing Christmas parcels to...
  7. John A Silkstone

    Video Christmas in Belize

    Here’s a 48 minute show of the lads out in Belize at Christmas time. Silky