market drayton

  1. Market Drayton, Shropshire

    Market Drayton, Shropshire

    The fallen
  2. Market Drayton, Shropshire

    Market Drayton, Shropshire

    The fallen 1939-1945
  3. Market Drayton, Shropshire

    Market Drayton, Shropshire

    The fallen
  4. Market Drayton, Shropshire

    Market Drayton, Shropshire

    The fallen
  5. Market Drayton, Shropshire

    Market Drayton, Shropshire

    The fallen
  6. Market Drayton, Shropshire

    Market Drayton, Shropshire

  7. WICKSTEAD Edwin James

    WICKSTEAD Edwin James

    Stoker 1st Class, P/K65157, H.M.Submarine Union, Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, killed in action 22nd July 1941 aged 38. Son of Thomas Hugh & Mary of Market Drayton and husband of Ethel, also of Market Drayton. Commemorated on his parents and wife's memorial at Market Drayton Cemetery...


    Rifleman 3147, Rifle Brigade, killed in action 4th September 1916 (The family memorial has 1919). Son of George & Margaret of Market Drayton, late of Rowley House, Croxton. Commemorated on his parents memorial at Market Drayton Cemetery, Shropshire and is buried at Guillemont Road Cemetery...
  9. Arthur Samuel LEWIS

    Arthur Samuel LEWIS

  10. Martin LEE

    Martin LEE

  11. Gerald Douglas Yates

    Gerald Douglas Yates

  12. Albert Blout

    Albert Blout

  13. James Docherty

    James Docherty

  14. Martinec Josef

    Martinec Josef

    Buried at Market Drayton Cemetery, Shropshire
  15. Oldrich Kestler

    Oldrich Kestler

  16. Bernard SAMP

    Bernard SAMP

  17. Jozef Tadeusz PIASECKI

    Jozef Tadeusz PIASECKI

  18. Zdzisklaw Marian MROWKA

    Zdzisklaw Marian MROWKA

  19. Wlodzimier Jerzy MAJEWSKI

    Wlodzimier Jerzy MAJEWSKI

  20. Mieczyslaw KOS

    Mieczyslaw KOS
