m4 sherman tank

  1. Stranded M4A3E2 Sherman Tank

    Stranded M4A3E2 Sherman Tank

    An M4A3E2 Sherman tank of the 737th Tank Battalion has hit an icy patch and skidded off a road in Luxembourg while supporting the 5th Infantry Division’s movement toward German positions.
  2. WW2 scenes III

    WW2 scenes III

    Wire used as panzerfaust defense
  3. WW2 scenes III

    WW2 scenes III

    Free French Sherman
  4. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Concrete armor over sandbags
  5. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Preparing radial engine for a Sherman
  6. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Sherman with added armor
  7. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Recaptured Sherman
  8. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Sandbag armor
  9. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Sherman with hedgerow cutter
  10. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Expedient side armor
  11. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Sandbags used as extra armor
  12. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Another example of field expedient concrete armor
  13. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    This Sherman has a diesel motor rather than the usual radial
  14. ww2 scenes

    ww2 scenes

    Sherman with field expedient cement armor
  15. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Unknown variation of a Sherman chassis
  16. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Wooden armor on a Sherman
  17. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Somewhere in Holland. Notice extra track used as armor
  18. Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima

    Notice the wood 'armor' - to defeat magnetic mines?
  19. 2743188.jpg


  20. 6280.jpg

