
  1. Longford WW1 Memorial Gate

    Longford WW1 Memorial Gate

    This memorial gate is at the cemetery, not for from the church. There are no names.
  2. Crutchley Richard (Major General)

    Crutchley Richard (Major General)

    Maj Gen Sir Charles CRUTCHLEY, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Scots] Guards, s/o Gen CRUTCHLEY of Sunninghill Park, Berks, and son-in-law of the Hon, H.J. COKE, of Longford, 10 Dec 1856 - 2 Dec 1920. Served in the Egyptian War, 1882 Nile Expedition, 1884-5 Severely wounded and lost a leg, Director of...
  3. Coke Wenman Clarence Walpole (Lieutenant Colonel)

    Coke Wenman Clarence Walpole (Lieutenant Colonel)

    Lieutenant Colonel, Late Scots Fusilier Guards, 10 Jan 1907, 78 and 181 days. He fought in the Crimean War. Decorated with the Knight Order of the Medijidie and the Order of Valour of Sardinia. Held Office as M.P. for East Norfolk 1858 -65 Buried at St Chads churchyard, Longford...