
  1. Incoming KSK

    Incoming KSK

    The KSK (KommandoSpezialKrfte) is the Special Force of the German army. It was official formed in 1996. During the campaign against the Taliban KSK forces supported the allied forces.
  2. KSK Soldiers on Patrol

    KSK Soldiers on Patrol

    The KSK (KommandoSpezialKrfte) is the Special Force of the German army. It was official formed in 1996. During the campaign against the Taliban KSK forces supported the allied forces.
  3. KSK Soldiers during Training

    KSK Soldiers during Training

    The KSK (KommandoSpezialKrfte) is the Special Force of the German army. It was official formed in 1996. During the campaign against the Taliban KSK forces supported the allied forces.