italian armor

  1. WW2 scenes III

    WW2 scenes III

    LRDG Jeep and Italian desert car
  2. WW2 scenes III

    WW2 scenes III

    Italian StuG
  3. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Italian tanker leaning against his C33 somewhere in Albania
  4. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Italian tanker leaning against his L6/40 somewhere in Albania
  5. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Italian tank in use by Russia after capture from Germans
  6. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    L6/40 light tanks
  7. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Italian StuG
  8. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Italian StuG in German service
  9. Interwar equipment

    Interwar equipment

    Italian L3/33 light flamethrower tank in use by Spanish nationalists
  10. Axis equipment

    Axis equipment

    Italian L6/40 tanks in Northern Jugoslavia, 1945
  11. Axis equipment

    Axis equipment

    Italian Semovente anti-tank gun
  12. Italian L3 tankette, under new ownership, captured, Ethiopia, WW2

    Italian L3 tankette, under new ownership, captured, Ethiopia, WW2

    This L3 has been captured by Ethiopian forces. Part of crew disdain for the L3 stemmed from the fact it wasn't hard to defeat. Even natïve riflemen could overcome them. One account from colonial East Africa has it that 9 L3s in advancing column were put out of service by natives who rolled...
  13. Italian L3 tankette, German use, WW2

    Italian L3 tankette, German use, WW2

    This L3 is used as an artillery tractor by Germans in the Balkans
  14. Italian L3 tankette, German use, Balkans, WW2

    Italian L3 tankette, German use, Balkans, WW2

    This German police unit somewhere in the Balkans appears to be closely watching artillery rounds impact downrange. (notice white smoke column center of image)
  15. Italian L3 tankette, German use, WW2

    Italian L3 tankette, German use, WW2

    After the Italian king surrender to the allies in 1943, German forces seized Italian arms and equipment. Most of the L3 tankettes were used against partisans in the Balkans. Here is a German L3 crewman who seems happy not to be humping a ruck into Albania.
  16. Italian L3 export model, WW2

    Italian L3 export model, WW2

    This L3 was sold to Nationalist China. All were destroyed or captured in fighting with Japanese forces.
  17. Italian L3 takette, WW2

    Italian L3 takette, WW2

    In addition to 8mm machineguns, some L3s were outfitted with a 20mm Solothurn anti-tank gun.
  18. Italian L3R command variant, WW2

    Italian L3R command variant, WW2

    L3R command models had a large antenna carried as shown. Machineguns were sometimes removed to make room for radio equipment in the cramped interior.
  19. Italian L3 variant, WW2

    Italian L3 variant, WW2

    Shown here is one of the "few" bridge laying L3s. The bridge was a mere 23 feet long.