faslane naval base

  1. Berthing at Faslane

    Berthing at Faslane

    USS Kauffman being nudged alongside Brazil's Independencia, with USS Vella Gulf berthed astern at Faslane Naval Base for the start of 'Joint Warrior 2010'.
  2. HMS Ark Royal & USS Laboon

    HMS Ark Royal & USS Laboon

    Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyer, USS Laboon, passing HMS Ark Royal while being escorted to her berth at Faslane at the start of 'Joint Warrior 2010'.
  3. USS Laboon

    USS Laboon

    Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyer, USS Laboon being escorted to her berth at Faslane at the start of 'Joint Warrior 2010'.
  4. USS Kauffman

    USS Kauffman

    Oliver Hazard Perry-Class Frigate, USS Kauffman enters Gareloch to berth at Faslane at the start of 'Joint Warrior 2010'.
  5. Clyde Submarine Base, Faslane

    Clyde Submarine Base, Faslane

    The new Valiant floating jetty can be seen on the right of the image.
  6. Valiant Jetty

    Valiant Jetty

    Wasn't quite sure what category this was! Also, quite difficult to get a decent pic of the jetty, due to it's size, not to mention the weather (again!). The new Valiant Jetty being turned to head across river to HM Submarine Base at Faslane.
  7. Return from Patrol

    Return from Patrol

    Spotted this Nuclear boat as she returned to the Clyde last week, making her way to Faslane. Managed to get this on my camcorder. Pity it was such a grey day.
  8. Faslane Naval Base

    Faslane Naval Base

    Continuation pic2 of the Clyde Submarine Base, working down the Gareloch from the large covered dock.
  9. Faslane Naval Base

    Faslane Naval Base

    Continuation pic1 of the Clyde Submarine Base, working down the Gareloch from the large covered dock.
  10. Clyde Submarine Base, Faslane

    Clyde Submarine Base, Faslane

    Part of the Faslane Naval Base, Gareloch, seen from the hilltop opposite, near RNAD Coulport.