
  1. p013145.jpg


  2. Commando Memorial

    Commando Memorial

    This is the Royal Marines Commando memorial at Spean Bridge Sited in the area where the Commando's trained during WWII surrounded by the UK's highest peaks including Ben Nevis and Aonach Mor
  3. John Frost Bruge

    John Frost Bruge

    The rebuilt bridge at Arnhem, which was later renamed in honour of the C.O. of 2 Para. This view looking south across the Lower Rhine, from the position held by the British troops in Sept. '44.
  4. Arnhem Bridge

    Arnhem Bridge

    Scanned from a print of the painting 'Arnhem Bridge', by military artist Simon Smith.
  5. M3 Bridge Kit

    M3 Bridge Kit

    The M3 can be driven into a river and used as a ferry or, when a number are joined together from bank to bank, as a bridge, capable of taking vehicles as heavy as the Challenger MBT. A 100m river can be crossed in 30 minutes, using 8 rigs.
  6. M3 Bridge Kit

    M3 Bridge Kit

    The M3 can be driven into a river and used as a ferry or, when a number are joined together from bank to bank, as a bridge, capable of taking vehicles as heavy as the Challenger MBT. A 100m river can be crossed in 30 minutes, using 8 rigs.
  7. Pegasus Bridge

    Pegasus Bridge

    Recon Photo showing the vital bridges, top of the photo you can see the Gliders.
  8. Armoured bridge layer on a Russian T55 chassis

    Armoured bridge layer on a Russian T55 chassis

    This is a russian made vehicle and a variant of the t55 main battle tank.Seen here in service with the slovakian army in bosnia (UN/NATO Forces)