beachley military cemetery italian

  1. Torillo, Vincenzo

    Torillo, Vincenzo

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  2. Stangoni, Francesco

    Stangoni, Francesco

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  3. Santosuosso, Pasqualino

    Santosuosso, Pasqualino

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  4. Saini, Erminio

    Saini, Erminio

  5. Poloni, Luigi

    Poloni, Luigi

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  6. Pepe, Antonio

    Pepe, Antonio

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  7. Parrilla, Antonio

    Parrilla, Antonio

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  8. Olivari, Delfino

    Olivari, Delfino

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  9. Napoli, Rocco

    Napoli, Rocco

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  10. Naccari,Sergio


    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  11. Murano, Pasquale

    Murano, Pasquale

    Buried in Beachley Military Cemetery,Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  12. Maugeri, Rosario

    Maugeri, Rosario

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  13. Memorial to the Italian Fallen 1940-1945

    Memorial to the Italian Fallen 1940-1945

    The fallen never forget you sacrifice 1940-1945 Those buried in this cemetery and commemorated on this memorial At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  14. Gasperini, Giuseppe

    Gasperini, Giuseppe

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  15. Gambato, Erminio

    Gambato, Erminio

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  16. Foresti, Francesco

    Foresti, Francesco

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  17. D'Arcangelo, Romolo

    D'Arcangelo, Romolo

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  18. D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo

    D'Ambrosio, Lorenzo

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  19. Cuetreznik, Antonio

    Cuetreznik, Antonio

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito
  20. Colucci, Vito

    Colucci, Vito

    At rest in Beachley Military Cemetery, Beachley, Gloucestershire A riposo in Beachley Cimitero Militare, Beachley, Gloucestershire, Regno Unito