34th of foot

  1. Roll of Honour display cabinets

    Roll of Honour display cabinets

    It is part of the Border Regiment Chapel in the Nave of Carlisle Cathedral
  2. Crimean War Memorial 34th Regiment

    Crimean War Memorial 34th Regiment

  3. DYSON-LAURIE Julius


    Colonel Dyson-Laurie, The Border Regiment. Born 9th December 1839 Died 19th December 1909. This tablet is placed here (Carlisle Cathedral) to commemorate his connection with the 34th Cumberland Regiment from 16th February 1855. Crimean Campaign 1855-6 Indian Mutiny Campaing 1857-8-9...
  4. 34th Cumberland Regiment

    34th Cumberland Regiment

    This memorial window is in Carlisle Cathedral.
  5. 34th Cumberland Regiment

    34th Cumberland Regiment

  6. 34th Cumberland Regiment

    34th Cumberland Regiment
