1. 152 TelaK 91

    152 TelaK 91

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - 152 TelaK 91 (2S5) self propelled gun.
  2. 152 H 10

    152 H 10

    This howitzer was designed by Schneider and license-built by Putilov Arsenal for the Russian Army. 8 workable howitzers were captured by whites during the Finnish civil war and all were used by Finnish Army in the Winter War
  3. 152 H 88-37

    152 H 88-37

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - 152mm field gun 152 H 88-37
  4. 152 H 88-40

    152 H 88-40

    Finnish Defence Forces - Army - 152mm field gun 152 H 88-40
  5. 152 H 15/17

    152 H 15/17

    The French Schneider Arsenal produced a 152 mm version of it's 155 mm howitzer. Finland ordered in 1924 four howitzers (H 15) and a few years later 8 more (H 17) . They fired 5 403 shots during the Winter War