
As a guesstimation, Rifle looks like a Gewehr 88, big wide looking muzzle, but cant confirm due shoulder strap blocking the view of the área where the magazine should be. If no magazine then it should be the precedent rifle model, a Gewehr 71/84. Dating the photo in the period 1871-1899

This is one of those photos conspiracy nutjobs love.
What does he have in the chest?? Mobile pone?? Digital cam??
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As a guesstimation, Rifle looks like a Gewehr 88, big wide looking muzzle, but cant confirm due shoulder strap blocking the view of the área where the magazine should be. If no magazine then it should be the precedent rifle model, a Gewehr 71/84. Dating the photo in the period 1871-1899

This is one of those photos conspiracy nutjobs love.
What does he have in the chest?? Mobile pone?? Digital cam??
Excellent pickup @Dercius , it is indeed an obsolete Gewehr 71/84.

A helmeted Bavarian Alpenkorps infantryman from Kgl. Bayer. Infanterie-Leibregiment (1st Royal Bavarian Division). Leather knee reinforcements have been added to his trousers and cleated mountain boots are evident. Oddly, he is armed with an obsolete Gew 71 rifle.

During the Great War the Division served on the Western Front. It fought in the Battle of the Frontiers against French forces in the early stages, and then participated in the Race to the Sea. Thereafter, it remained on the northern part of the front facing the British Army through 1915 and early 1916. The Leibregiment was transferred from the Division in 1915 to become part of a provisional German mountain division, the Alpenkorps and sent to the Italian Front.

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