


Buried in Burslem Cemetery, Burslem, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire

Private M/286216, Harry Thornton, of Base H.T Depot, Army Service Corps
son of Thomas John Oliver and Mary Ann died 18th August 1918 aged 21

Additional information from his Military Short Service Record (Burnt Documents)

He enlisted on the 10th of December 1915 at the age of 18yrs and 10 months. He gave an address of c/o Mrs Ball, 18 Ford Street, Burslem and his father, Thomas of 1, Lorne Street, was his next of kin. he occupation was a clerk.

His movement sheet (which was damaged by fire and water in WW2) shows the following information, some may not be fully correct as the writing his faint.

Home, (In England) 10th December 1915 to 13th April 1917 For some reason he was not mobilized until the 31st January 1917 for Grove Park., Military Workshop, He had to report at 08-30am at ??, Victoria Road, Shelton, and his address was again given as care of Mrs Ball, 18, Ford Street
1st to the 4th of June 1917 he was at 1, B.M.S. Depot where he took a military driving test for a lorry on the 3rd June and passes with a comment for the civilian instructor as, "Fair"
14th April 1917 to 29th October 1917 he was with 915, Motor Transport Coy, 58th Auxiliary Coy in Rouen, France
30th October 1917 he was in Italy with the Italian Expeditionary Force
3rd August 1918, granted leave from Italy to the U.K. from the 7th August 1918 to 21st August 1918
On the 18th August 1918 he died at 1, Lorne Street, from Pneumonia

There are two other movement sheets with different dates on it
Sheet one
20th April 1917, Embarked Southampton
21st April 1917, Disembarked, Harve on Ex S.E. Mona's Queen
22nd April 1917, Harve (La Harve France)
23rd April 1917 Disembarked Rouen (France) on ex St Tudno, with the 915, Motor Transport Coy, 58th Auxiliary Petrol Coy.
Sheet two
5th March 1917, 4th Mobilization Coy
17th March 1917 to 4th June 1917, Lorry drivers course with 58, Auxiliary Petrol Coy
4th June 1917 arrived at No 1, (B.M.T.D), Base Motor Transport Depot, not employed at trade
13th June 1917 left B.M.T.D. to join 10 (Corps T.S.C.) Corps, Troops Supply Column
21st June 1917 to the 21st January 1918, at 41, Divisional Supply Column as lorry driver
23rd January 1918 arrived at (B.M.T.D), Base Motor Transport Depot in Italy, (Italian Expeditionary Force) as a qualified Technical Clerk
3rd August 1918 granted leave to the U.K. for 7th August 1918 to 21st August 1918.
18th August 1918, he passed away at home with pneumonia

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