South Staffordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion 1884-6


South Staffordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion 1884-6

This memorial is situated in Lichfield Cathedral

1st Batt South Staffordshire Regiment
To the glory of God and in memory pf the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and Men who fell in the Campaigns 1884-5-6


Sergeant William H HINTON 19th January 1885
Private Thomas ROSE 19th January 1885
Lieutenant Colonel Philip H EYRE 10th February 1885
Private George STONE 10th February 1885
Private John HOPKINS 10th February 1885
Private Frederick POOLE 10th February 1885


Lance Corporal Joseph HARRISON 12th February 1885
Private Arthur NEEDHAM 12th February 1885
Private James REILLY 12th February 1885
Private Albert T HANCOCK 10th June 1885


Sergeant Thomas HAYWARD 11th February 1884
Private Thomas CORNWALL 23rd February 1884
Private Thomas BARBER 4th March 1885
Private Walter CAPON 1st September 1884
Private Richard REED 6th December 1884
Private James BURKE 17th September 1885
Private Thomas GEORGE 1st November 1884
Colour Sergeant Charles COLE 4th March 1885
Sergeant William MOUNTENEY 4th March 1885
Private William CADMALLADER 12th October 1885


Lieutenant Thomas Marinell CROFTON 19th May 1885
Lieutenant Colonel John EMERIS 7th May 1886
Major James Ormsby SHEPPARD 9th September 1884
Colour Sergeant Joseph FEABER 8th November 1884
Lance Sergeant Robert BALE 12th April 1884
Lance Sergeant John GRANTHAM 3rd September 1884
Lance Sergeant Andrew McCREADY 20th August 1884
Lance Sergeant Arthur SOUTHALL 3rd June 1885
Lance Corporal Francis ARTHUR 28th March 1885
Lance Corporal Alfred RAYBOULD 18th June 1884
Lance Corporal William HINTON 1st March 1886
Lance Corporal Horace SKIMMON 2nd February 1886
Private William Thomas NOAKES 16th May 1884
Private Thomas ASPLEY 6th October 1884
Private Elijah ANSLOW 30th December 1884
Private John ATTWATER 10th November 1884
Private Hubert COF 5th September 1884
Private Charles MEDMELL 25th June 1884
Private William McCULLEN 3rd December 1884
Private George BINGHAM 2nd July 1885
Private Charles BRAYNE 2nd May 1885
Private Thomas CARTWRIGHT 16th May 1885
Private Daniel CHETWYND 14th May 1885
Private Henry FULWELL 12th July 1885
Private John GRANT 27th April 1885
Private Frederick LAWRENCE 7th March 1885
Private Sampson LANDER 7th July 1885
Private John MORAN 19th July 1885
Private William MORRELL 7th September 1885
Private John T MORRIS 10th June 1885
Private Edward PRICE 17th June 1885
Private Harry ROUNDS 7th January 1885
Private Charles SALLOWAY 29th May 1885
Private John TIGHE 3rd April 1885
Private Samuel ALCOCK 23rd February 1886
Private James BAKER 16th April 1886
Private Henry BAGNELL 22nd February 1886
Private Herbert CHURCHMAN 9th February 1886
Private James DOOLEY 14th March 1886
Private Michael KILTY 28th February 1886
Private Thomas LAWLOR 15th February 1886
Private Martin LINSKEY 1st February 1886
Private Henry MAWSON 4th May 1886
Private George PERKS 10th March 1886
Private John RANEY 26th March 1886
Private John RODDY 23rd March 1886
Private James WALLACE 1st March 1886
Private Thomas WATERS 22nd March 1886
Private Charles WRIGHT 14th April 1886

This tablet is erected by Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and Man of the regiment

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Pre WW1, WW2 War and Private Memorials to the fallen
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