The Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) familiy of vehicles was developed by Alvis for the British Army. First prototypes were completed in 1969, with first production vehicles following in 1972. By 1995 over 3,500 had been built for the home and export market. The basic Scorpion is armed with a 76mm gun, although this version has been phased out of service with the British Army. Scorpion is fully amphibious, propelled in the water by it's tracks at a speed of 6.5km/h.Scimitar is an almost identical vehicle, but it mounts the RARDEN 30 mm cannon which meets the British requirement of defeating existing and future enemy reconnaissance vehicles and APC's. The Armys main Medium and Close Reconnaissance capability is provided by CVR(T) SCIMITAR and SABRE equipped with the Rarden 30mm cannon. CVR(T) STRIKER, fitted with Swingfire anti-tank missile system, is found in Medium Reconnaissance Regiments.
The same hull shape provides enough space to carry a British Assault Section with all their equipment. The APC of the family, named SPARTAN, is capable of carrying 7 or 8 men. The remainder of the CVR(T) fleet includes SULTAN (Command), SAMSON (Repair/Recovery) and SAMARITAN (Ambulance).