
Patriotic Poem WWI

'Britons Brave and True' - a patriotic poem from 90 years ago this month.
It reads:-

As you watch our noble soldiers march the land right through and through,

Do you wonder why they are so bold, so valiant, brave and true?

Don't you feel the heart pulsating when you read of deeds they do,

On the fields of France and Belgium, just as Britons brave and true?

See how willingly they yield themselves for King and country's sake,

Risking everything to precious life the tyrant power to break;

They have left their home and kindred, oh! what more could they do?

So now they fight to guard our peace as Britons brave and true.

Some will never see the land again where first they saw the light,

They have paid the last great sacrifice in honour of the right;

What a grand example they have set for others just to do,

In fighting for the country's cause as Britons brave and true.

If we but did our part at home, gave them a better chance,

Very soon the foe should disappear forever out of France;

How many happy homes would be, then let us rise and do,

And put our shoulders to the wheel, as Britons brave and true.

You have heard the prayers ascending, for that mothers only boy,

Who is just the apple of her eye, the fathers pride and joy;

He had felt the claim upon him just his little bit to do,

Now he fights with all the valour of a Briton brave and true.

Ah, theres another humble home, where mother has given up all,

Her three or four big stalwart sons, and one by one they fall;

And yet she says, in giving them, to-day she doesnt rue,

As long as they have done their part as Britons brave and true.

But then another lad goes forth, who feels the pressing call,

None are left to mourn his loss should he neer come back at all;

His dear old dad has passed away, his mother has gone too,

He wants to do his duty as a Briton brave and true.

That brother comes across the foam and sees his countrys need,

He also thinks his place is there, to do a noble deed;

Lo, he meets his other brother who has long been lost to view,

So now theyre fighting side by side as Britons brave and true.

The father has gone forth himself, while wife and children weep,

He helped to tend the little ones as a shepherd would his sheep;

Yet though he loved them dearly as any one could do,

He went out for his country as a Briton brave and true.

Yes, they go from cot and mansion, they go from hill and glen,

From the very Royal Household, and the snug wee but-and-ben;

Oh, they rally to the colours of the old Red, White, and Blue,

Being not afraid to live their lives as Britons brave and true.

Oh, the cloud is hanging over many homes this hour,

Where death has laid his victims low, and holds them in his power;

But if safe in Jesus keeping, there will be a grand review,

We will meet them there who nobly fought as Britons brave and true.

May God, our Heavenly Father, bring this war soon to a close,

And turn the nations to Himself from Satans wicked throes;

Yea, from this awful carnage let His glory come to view,

Then never more well need to fight as Britons brave and true.

GREENOCK, September,1915. JOHN McLINTOCK, Missionary.

Sentiments from another time, another world. We've come to know a lot more about war since then.
WOW!, very touching verse, and lets hope we have learnt a lot from the lessons of the Great war.
Thanks Reloader

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