
OT-64 - Czech Army

  • Media owner mineman65
  • Date added
Armoured Personnel Carrier OT-64

This armoured wheeled amphibious carrier is a combat and transport vehicle used in mechanised, signal and special units. It was constructed in 1959 and jointly manufactured in Czechoslovakia and Poland, and was introduced into both of these armed forces in 1964. The carrier has been in use in many versions in terms of its weapons and additional equipment.

Originally, the carrier was equipped with a 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun with a coupled 7.62 mm SGMT machine gun, which was later replaced by the 7.62 mm PKT tank machine gun. On some later versions of the OT-64A, the KPVT machine gun was replaced by a 12.7 mm NSV anti-aircraft machine gun. At present, the carrier is being downsized in the Czech military.

OT-64 Versions
OT-64 without weapons, used as a medical evacuation version
OT-64 A with weapons
OT-64 DTP repair and maintenance vehicle
Signal and Command Vehicles
OT-64R2 R105
OT-64R2 R108

Basic Technical Data

Type OT-64

Combat weight: 13,000 kg
Crew: 2 + 18
Height: 2,400 mm
Width: 2,500 mm
Length: 7,450 mm
Maximum speed: 94 km per hour
Maximum floating speed: 9 km per hour
Fuel tanks capacity: 330 litres
Operation range: 740 km
Maximum width of trench to cross: 2,000 mm

Type OT-64A

Combat weight: 13,500 kg
Crew: 2 + 8
Height: 2,700 mm
Width: 2,500 mm
Length: 7,450 mm
Maximum speed: 94 km per hour
Maximum floating speed: 9 km per hour
Fuel tanks capacity: 330 litres
Operation range: 740 km

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Wheeled Armour
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