Extended Description
Margaret CAMPBELL. Leading Aircraft Woman, Nursing Orderly. WAAF attached to 437 Squadron, Canadian Air Force.
Born 1917 on the Isle of Berneray to Malcolm and C A Campbell of Lochmaddy. Isle of North Uist, Scotland.
She had a sister called Chrissie (Christine) Ann who married a Saxton.

Killed in Dakota aircraft crash 24 October 1944 aged 27.
She was the only female, (on duty) along with a crew of five flying in a Dakota III aircraft FZ655 of 437 Squadron Canadian Air Force. The aircraft was returning back from Antwerp with wounded soldiers when it crashed near St Pol-sur-Mar, Dunkirk. It appears the plane strayed over and area of Dunkirk which was held by Germans and it was shot down. All the occupants were laid to rest in the New German Cemetery, at Hospice de Dunquerke, Rosendsel and re-interred in Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringhen. The body of Margaret was removed 24 October 1944.

Image of her headstone credited to bcresearcher on Find a Grave.

Some notes from the service records of RCAF Pilot Douglas Otto Schneider.

Aircraft movements.
The aircraft left base at R.A.F. Station, Blakehill Farm, near Swindon, Wiltshire at 10.00 hours on the 24th October 1944. It arrived at B.70, Antwerp at approximately 12-30 hours the same date and departed from B.70 for the United Kingdom at 14.15 hours. No causalities were in the aircraft on the return trip

The following was taken from W.O.2 John Herman Soper. R.C.A.F., Service Records.

No.437 R.CA.F. Squadron reported that Dakota aircraft, FZ.655, with a crew of 4, and one passenger, failed to arrive at base on a return flight from Antwerp, Belgium.
It left base at 10.00 hours on the 24th. October, 1944, and arrived at Antwerp
at approximately 12. 30 hours on the same day. The aircraft then left Antwerp on the return flight at 14.15 hours on the 24th. October, 1944, after which no further news was received. W.O.2. J.H. Sopor was a member of this crew.
A statement made by a survivor of this crew, F/Sgt. J.W. Lockwood now safe, states that Dakota aircraft, FZ.655, crashed near St. Pol, Dunkirk, France, and the bodies of W.O.2. Sopor, F/Sgt. Schneider and two not R.C.A.F. personnel were found in the wreckage.

The crew were,
Pilot, Flight Sergeant 192073 Douglas Otto Schneider R.C.A.F.
Co-Pilot, Flight Sergeant R196084 J W Lockwood R.C.A.F. survived the crash and was taken a P.o.W.
Navigator, Sergeant 1082018 Sidney Alfred Gumbrell R.A.F.
Father Mrs R J Gumbrell, Brockhurst Gardens, Ashtead, Surrey.
Air Gunner, Warrant Officer Class 2, 161774 John Herman Soper R.C.A.F.
Passenger, On duty, Leading Aircraft Woman 2041818 Margaret Campbell. Next of kin her mother Mrs C A Campbell of 109 The Oval, Clarkston, Renfrewshire, Scotland

The crew were on posted strength of No 437 Squadron R.C.A.F. LACW Campbell was on posted strength of R.A.F. Station, Blakehill Farm

A report (not the full report) from the Missing Research Unit.
Signed by R.J. Dawes, Flying Officer.
From No.1 Missing Research and Enquiry Unit, Royal Air Force, British Forces in France.
To Air Ministry (Cascan.), 73-77 Oxford Street, London W.1.
A.D.G.R. & E., (Canadian), 24 Ave des Arts, Brussels, Belgium
DATE: 9th August 1946

PLACE OF CRASH: Petite Synthe.
PLACE OF BURIAL: Leubringham Canadian Cemetery.
R.192073 F/S SCHNEIDER. D.O.
R.161774. W/O. SOPER. J H.
1802018 SGT. GUMBRELL S.A.

With the hope of obtaining some clue as to F/S. SCHNEIDER’s burial
particulars, I visited the cemetery at PETITE SYNTHE where according to information three casualties in this case were buried. I was greatly surprised to learn from the guardian there that there was not, nor had ever been, any Air Force personnel interred in the cemetery. In casual conversation I mentioned that there had been an airwomen in this crew at which he volunteered the information that he had heard talk of some aviators, including a. woman, who were buried, behind a factory in Rue DE’L' INDUSTRIE, PETE -SYNTHE.

I located the factory and learnt that three bodies had been exhumed some
months before and taken away, to where the party had not informed anybody, actually leaving the coffins in the graves as empty. I saw the coffins, one large in which LACW. CAMPNELL and SGT. GUMBRELL had been buried and a second one which had contained the remains of a Canadian - probably W/O. SOPER, but more re this in para. 4.

I searched all other cemeteries in the Dunkirk area and all lists held by this Section with negative results. I finally established that the graves of all four were now in the Canadian Cemetery at LEUBRINGHAM, PAS DE CALAIS as follows:
Plot 4, Row C, Grave 11 – F/S. SCHNEIDER.
Plot 4, Row C, Grave 12 - W/O. SOPER.
Plot 3, Row F, Grave 1 – LACW CAMPBELL.
Plot 3, Row F, Grave 2 – SGT. GUMBRELL.

I feel bound to mention in this report the shocking job of work carried out by the party who concentrated these bodies from the factory at PETITE SYNTHE. The coffins were unceremoniously smashed open, end the larger of the two still contains a number of small finger bones and one or two ribs. I saw these myself. Factory employees who watched the exhumation about four months ago being done were surprised and shocked by the absolute lack of the decorum befitting such a task that was displayed, and the slap-dash way it was accomplished, particularly with regard to the fact that it was common knowledge a W.A.A.F was numbered among the crew. They are not unnaturally perturbed at the fact that part of the remains still lie in the open coffin, which only and inch or two below ground level. It is sincerely hoped that the persons responsible for the concentration (believed to be a Canadian Unit) will be contacted and steps taken to avoid the recurrence of such a distasteful incident which has greatly lowered the prestige of the British Forces in the eyes of those who witnessed it and the many more who must ultimately come to hear of it.

Signed R.J.DAWES F/O R.N.E.A.F.

Counter signed by E.R. Edmondsun
Wing Commander, Commanding
No1 Missing Research and Enquiry Unit
Royal Air Force.

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